Learn how to heel in your plants 2 easy ways to protect your plants this winter on this quick DIY Garden Minute podcast.
If you want to learn more about winter pruning, register now for our winter pruning do’s and don’ts webinar and find out what plants can be cut back this winter! Go to www.spokengarden.com/winterpruningwebinar to register now!
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Heeling in plants is a great way to protect them this winter.
Today’s Topic:
What Does It Mean To Heel In Plants?
In this podcast, you’ll learn what heeling in plants means and how to do it.
What You’ll Learn:
- What heeling in plants means.
- How to heel in your container plants in 2 different ways.
- Resources and links for more information.
Some of the resources and products below may be affiliate links, meaning we might get paid a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.
- Checkout and Pre-Order our New Book: 1st Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers. To Be Released February 9th, 2021!
- Want to get started, but not sure on what? Go to our Start-Here Page!
Heeling in Plants Before Winter
The cooling and brisk temperatures during the fall months leading into winter make for cozy days and nights, but your potted garden plants might not think so.
All your wonderful perennial container plants on your deck, on your front porch, or even out in your garden are all above ground and their roots are exposed with no insulation around their roots, besides the container they are in.
This can lead to those plants roots having cold and freezing damage, and even die back with prolonged exposure.
To protect your container plants, you can heel them in.
This is a technique that mimics plants planted directly in the ground but your plants stay in their containers the whole winter.
How To Heel In Your Plants?
The easiest way to heel in your plants is to simply group your container plants all together and then mound up mulch or even soil around them to just underneath their container top edge so now all the sides of your containers are not visible and have mulch up against them.
Another way to heal your plants in is to dig holes either in unused raised beds or in your ground beds to then place each container into so that the container sides aren’t exposed to the open freezing air and are completely beneath the soil.
Here are some gardening tip for heeling in your plants:
don’t bury your container plants deeper in the soil then the soil level they are planted in.
Match the soil level in the container with the ground or soil level you are placing the container into.
If mounding mulch, bring the mulch up to the same soil level as is in the container.
Smaller containers can be on the edge of a mounded group and taller containers can be more towards the center or middle of the mulch mound.
And that’s how you heel your plants in.
Again, if you want to learn more about winter pruning, register now for our winter pruning do’s and don’ts webinar and find out what plants can be cut back this winter! Go to www.spokengarden.com/winterpruningwebinar to register now!
If you aren’t sure where to start learning about garden care, go to our Start Here page at spokengarden.com/start-here . And, if you have questions about these or other plants, we are here to help, so please email us.
Thanks for Listening!!!
That’s all for this podcast episode! You can find other beginning gardener topics on our podcast page by clicking here or go to SpokenGarden.com and click on the “Listen” tab. Also find us on your favorite podcast platform and smart speaker!
If you want to know more about growing plants and flowers, check out our new book The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the Know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods.
You can pre-order now so you get your copy on our release date of February 9th, 2021.
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