Learn how dividing perennials can be easy and save you money with the correct know-how. Plus, learn do’s and don’ts for safe plant dividing for Hostas, Asters, and Shasta daisies.


You are new to plant maintenance and have no idea how to divide your garden plants, which plants can be divided, or when to divide them. You want to learn an easy, efficient way to perform this maintenance task but the problem is you don’t have a clue where to start!

Furthermore, you do not want to risk harming or injuring your plants with your lack of know-how.

In this podcast (and on the page below), you’ll learn about plant division, including specific herbaceous perennials you can divide this fall (or spring), important tools you will need for success (and where to buy them), and important tips for dividing your plants correctly.

Save money by creating more garden plants with our do’s and don’ts below!


If you aren’t sure where to start learning about gardening, go to our Start Here page where you can get find beginning gardener topics by listening, watching, and reading.


Hosta a perennial plant you can divide

In “Dividing Perennials” – DIY Garden Minute Ep. 4 – learn tips for plant division, do’s and don’ts about dividing plants, and more. This episode is meant for beginning to intermediate gardeners wanting to learn more about plant maintenance this fall.  


Before we begin, you will need a few tools to assist you in successfully dividing your plants. Some tools you may have already but for those you don’t have yet, we have some recommendations below that we hope will be helpful for you.

For example, this specific digging tool from Fiskars would be a great start for your plant dividing task! It is sharp, has a lifetime warranty, and is perfect for digging in tough soil (which you will most likely come across in your task).  


Our shovel has been a huge benefit in our yard and we couldn’t imagine life without it (yes, we’re a tad bit dramatic but we really love it)! Pick up your own today!

Next, read on to learn more about dividing your plants.



Dividing Perennials in Your Landscape

Asters are perennials that can be divided

Asters are perennials that can be divided but usually in the spring.

Congratulations to you on your decision to learn more about garden maintenance and add more plants to your landscape!

As the summer season winds down and plants finish flowering, many of your perennials will benefit from being divided. Perennials can be divided for several reasons including better plant health, adding more plants around your landscape, or gifting plants to others!

It is important to note that perennials need to be well-established for a couple of years before they can be considered a good candidate for division. More on that below.

For now, let’s get started with the basics!


First, you need to begin your journey with a basic definition of plant division.


Plant division is when you physically cut away a portion of a parent plant to form smaller “baby” plants. Dividing plants in your garden usually happens in the fall months of the year or sometimes in the spring, like for Asters. This happens in the fall because most of your garden plants are done flowering and are starting their dormancy process to survive the coming cold, winter weather.

Plus, they need cooler weather to help them adapt and survive in their new home. 


Examples of plants you can divide:



How to Divide Perennials

Now that you are caught up on what plant division is, the next step is to learn how to actually divide your plants. This is just a brief explanation to get you started. 

The quick version: your perennials can be divided by using a shovel to cut away a portion of the plant’s crown. Then those portions can be replanted in a new location.

Plants that have been newly transplanted will need lots of care and water to help them establish (plus the cooler weather as we stated above).

Listen to the podcast episode above for more!



Plant Division Do’s and Don’ts

When perennials are divided, there is more space for roots to grow and can increase plant health.

In general, you should only divide a plant when it has been healthy and growing in its garden location for at least two years (but usually longer) AND if it is starting to get too big for its current location. Often plants begin to grow into other plants causing space issues and other problems. These are all examples of when plants should be divided. 

You should NOT divide a plant if it hasn’t been thriving in its current location or the plant is in poor health. 

Also, don’t divide a plant if it hasn’t grown or matured enough yet. Unfortunately, this is different for each plant so do your research.

With these important tips in mind, you are just about ready to start dividing your plants.

But first, let’s check and see if you are ready to begin with the correct tools and supplies.




Tools and Supplies for Plant Division

Now that you have learned a brief introduction to plant division, let’s make sure you have everything you need to perform this task, including tools, books about plant care, and videos. This is an important step along your journey to better plant care, almost as important as dividing the plants themselves.

If you know you are lacking some basic tools, below are some recommendations to specific tools we use to help us around our own yard.


For example, this True Temper wheelbarrow is a great tool for your landscape maintenance tasks. Use it to haul your plants around your yard safely so you don’t lose too much soil or plant roots while you are transplanting the new “baby” plants. We love our wheelbarrow and use it all the time to haul everything from soil to plants to mulch.


Below are four other important tools that will help you with dividing your perennials as well as many other garden maintenance tasks around your yard.


Fiskars Digging Tool


Leather Work Gloves


Fiskars Garden Pitchfork


Corona Hard Rake


Education for Perennial Plant Care

If you’re looking for further educational resources about all types of perennials, these books below are great educational references!

American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers

This is a great reference guide for tons of plants from the American Horticultural Society.


Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden: Grow, Harvest, and Arrange Stunning Seasonal Blooms

This book has stunning images, how-tos, and planting information to grow your own cutting garden.



Or, if you need to shop for other garden plants for this summer or fall, click here to find what you need!




Videos About Dividing Perennials

Further your education along your journey to divide your plants with these two videos! We hope they are helpful!






Conclusion for Dividing Perennials 

Dividing your perennials does not have to be a scary task. With the proper know-how and correct tools, you can learn how to divide various perennials around your yard as long as they are healthy enough.

Your plants will be healthier as a result and you will have more of them around your landscape to enjoy in the future!

Now we want to hear from you!

What new questions do you have about plant maintenance, especially during the fall season? Let us know by leaving a quick comment below.



(Updated 8/18/19)


How to Divide Plants References:


That’s all for this episode!

You can find other topics on our podcast page at spokengarden.com/podcast.

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We have FREE garden content we are so excited to give to you, like cheat sheets, plant profile sheets, etc!

Thanks for Listening!!!


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Learn how dividing perennials can save you money and tips to divide certain plants, including hostas, asters, and Shasta daisies.


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Today’s Topic: 

Dividing Your Perennial Plants!

Have you ever wondered about when you should divide your perennial garden plants? Learn important do’s and don’ts in this podcast episode!


Shasta Daisy Free Plant Guide

Prune Like a Pro! Cheat Sheet

What You’ll Learn:

  • Do’s and don’ts for plant division
  • Examples of plants that can be divided.
  • Recommendations for tools to help with dividing perennials.
  • Links for further resources or education.


Some of the resources and products below may be affiliate links, meaning we might get paid a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

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