A raised garden bed is an elevated area used to grow different vegetables or plants.
A raised garden bed is useful for SO many reasons and is a perfect DIY garden project for you to tackle in one weekend if you have the right supplies!
The size of a raised garden bed can vary from very small to very large depending on the specific use of the bed.
Check Out These Resources:
How to Build Your Very First Raised Garden Bed In Time For Spring Planting!
Ep. 19: Vegetable Garden, Part 2-How You Can Place and Build a DIY Garden Bed
3 Simple Things Gardeners Should Consider Before Planting a Vegetable Garden- Garden Basics, Part 1.
9 Fruits and Vegetables To Plant Right Now For A Summer Harvest- Garden Basics, Part 2
Ep. 18: Vegetable Gardening Part 1- What Is It and Why Do It?