Learn 5 pruning tips for beginning gardeners on this quick garden minute podcast.

If you want to learn more about pruning, head over to PruningSchool.com

Also, save your spot for our micro and mini pruning classes, coming soon! Reserve your spot now and get email updates on when they will be released!




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All beginning gardeners need pruning tips to learn how to get started the right way.

Today’s Topic:

5 Pruning Tips for Beginning Gardeners.

In this podcast, you’ll learn 5 tips to prune your plants that will help you each time when out in your garden.

What You’ll Learn:

  • 5 pruning tips for beginning gardeners to follow.
  • Resources and links for more information.


Some of the resources and products below may be affiliate links, meaning we might get paid a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

5 Pruning Tips for Beginning Gardeners

Pruning is a big part of maintaining your plants.

Here are five tips for you beginning gardeners out there who want to prune your plants, but might be looking for some direction.

  1. Always know you why you are pruning.

    • This can be for a plants health, safety, or just to make it even more beautiful than it already is. Know your why.
  2. Use the right tool for the right job.

    • If you need to cut a 3 inch branch or a tiny flower stem, know which hand tool you should use so you don’t end up hurting your plant.
  3. Timing can be everything.

    • If you want lots of flowers to grow from your plant, don’t prune it right before it is about to flower. Prune after it is done flowering.
  4. Don’t prune plants that were planted within the last year.

    • If you have added a new plant to your garden this year, give it at least one full year in your garden to grow and establish before pruning it back.
  5. And, wear a mask over your nose and mouth when pruning.

    • You don’t want to breath in dust and dirt that has accumulated on and over your plants.
    • Example plants that accumulate lots of dust and dirt: English Ivy, Ceanothus, and Viburnum.



If you are looking to protect your bulbs with a one time purchase and have repeated use, check out our GoFundMe.com page to see how our newest product idea can help you easily protect your bulbs and other plants.

Our new product (that we are crowdfunding for right now!) is a one time, set-it and forget-it product that will only need to set up once at the time of planting your bulbs for the whole season.

Check it out at our GoFundMe.com page and help us get our product into production.

Let’s save our Moms’ bulbs together!


If you aren’t sure where to start learning about garden care, go to our Start Here page at spokengarden.com/start-here .


And, if you have questions about these or other plants, we are here to help, so please email us.


Thanks for Listening!!!

That’s all for this podcast episode! You can find other beginning gardener topics on our podcast page by clicking here or go to SpokenGarden.com and click on the “Listen” tab. Also find us on your favorite podcast platform and smart speaker!


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If you want to know more about growing plants and flowers, check out our new book The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the Know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods.

You can pre-order now so you get your copy on our release date of February 9th, 2021.


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Learn 5 pruning tips for beginning gardeners on this quick garden minute podcast.