Learn 5 Garden Hacks to Improve Your Seed Germination on this quick DIY Garden Minute podcast.
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5 Garden Hacks to Improve Your Seed Germination
Winter seed sowing is happening right now and you want to more guaranteed seed germination, but how?
We have 5 garden hacks to help you improve your seed germination this late winter and early spring that you can do right now!
Wrap your seed trays in clear plastic-wrap – this creates a mini greenhouse to regulate warmer temperatures and keep moisture close to each seed to help them germinate faster.
Soak Your Seeds – Any seeds that have hard or thick seed coats can be soaked for up to 24 hours to soften their coats and to help the seed break out of dormancy to germinate faster.
Scratch or Scarify Seeds – Using sand paper, a nail file, or even a small knife to remove and penetrate into a seeds coat to help hasten germination.
Wet Paper Towels – Place seeds hard to germinate or that take a while to germinate between two wet paper towels to help water soften and penetrate seed coats to germiante faster, like peas, beans, squash, sunflower, lupine, and many other seeds.
Epson Salts – mix 1 tbsp of Epson Salt with 1 qt of water to then water seedlings on regular basis.
Try these and see how they improve your seed germination this year!
Examples of These Seed Germination Hacks
We have partnered with Eden Brothers to be able to give you 15% off your next purchase when you enter the coupon code “SPOKEN” at checkout.
Get your high-quality seeds fast from Eden Brothers.com.
We have partnered with Eden Brothers to be able to give you 15% off your next purchase when you enter the coupon code “SPOKEN” at checkout.
Get your high-quality seeds fast from Eden Brothers.com.
For specific seed sowing directions to start your own seeds during any time of year, pre-order our new book “The First-time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers” on Amazon with our new release date of April 6th.
If you aren’t sure where to start learning about garden care, go to our Start Here page at spokengarden.com/start-here .
Thanks for Listening!!!
That’s all for this podcast episode! You can find other beginning gardener topics on our podcast page by clicking here or go to SpokenGarden.com and click on the “Listen” tab.
Also find us on your favorite podcast platform and smart speaker!
You can pre-order now so you get your copy on our release date of April 6th, 2021.
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