Learn about these three common petunia problems and how to fix them quickly for healthy petunias on this quick DIY Garden Minute podcast.



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How to Deadhead Your Petunias – DIY Ep. 201 (Podcast)

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3 Petunia Problems to Look For And How to Fix Them Right Away

Like most summer flowering plants, Petunia’s are so unique and come in so many different flower colors.

To keep them gorgeous and beautiful to enjoy all summer, you will need to know about some common petunia problems.

Here are three common petunia problems and how to fix each one:

  1. Leggy Growth– If your petunias look stretched or leggy, then they could be in a too shaded location, so move them to a location with more sun. Leggy growth can also be a sign that they need to be pinched so they branch out more, so, using pruning shears or your fingernails, remove parts of their stems to force them to grow out more.
  2. Yellowing Leaves – If your petunia leaves are turning yellow, they could either be over or under watered, so check each time before you water if the soil is already moist. Yellowing leaves can also be an indication that they need to be fertilized with a well-balanced fertilizer like 8-8-8 every week or ever other week.
  3. Aphids – If your petunia leaves are curling or folding into itself, and you have single or groupings of small potato-looking insects on the bottom of or inside the curled leaves, then you could have aphids. Knock them off with you fingers or spray them with water. You can also use Neem Oil, but only spray in the early morning or late evening when pollinators aren’t around.

And there are three common petunia problems and how you can take care of them right away!



Watch Our #Shorts Video To See Sean Talk About Two of These 3 Petunia Problems

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Learn about these three common petunia problems and how to fix them quickly for healthy petunias on this quick DIY Garden Minute podcast.