Learn why it’s important to plant perennials in the fall with these 3 helpful reasons on this quick garden minute podcast.
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Today’s Topic:
3 Helpful Reasons Why Planting Perennials in the Fall is Important.
In this podcast, you’ll learn 3 reasons why planting your perennial plants this fall can help them get established faster.
What You’ll Learn:
- 3 helpful reasons why planting your perennials this fall is important.
- Resources and links for more information.
Some of the resources and products below may be affiliate links, meaning we might get paid a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.
- Fall Garden Planting, Transplanting, and Fertilizing – Ep.26 (podcast)
- Checkout and Pre-Order our New Book: 1st Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers. To Be Released February 9th, 2021!
- Want to get started, but not sure on what? Go to our Start-Here Page!
3 Reasons You Should Plant Your Perennials This Fall
The Fall season brings many different changes in our garden and this gives us the opportunity to add new perennial plants.
But, why is it important to plant them in the fall?
This is because:
stresses like intense hot sun or drought conditions are lessening or aren’t a problem during the fall months, so plants don’t have to deal with these AND also the added stress of being planted in a new garden to regrow any root mass to get reestablished.
in general, perennials are starting to slow down their growth for the year by being triggered by cooler temperatures and shorter days, so their needs for water and nutrients is lowering as they get further into their dormant cycling. Also, most plants are just finishing up or done flowering for the year, so they can focus their energy on root growth.
the soil temperature is still warm from all the sun and hotter days of summer. So even if the air above ground is starting to cool off, the soil will stay warm into the fall for roots of newly planted perennials to grow more easily into their new garden location before winter cold temperatures really set in.
And there are 3 helpful reasons why you should plant perennials this fall. As a reminder, double check your hardiness zones for any new plant you are adding to your garden to be sure it will survive in your garden.
Our List of Perennials to Plant This Fall (hardiness zone dependent, of course)
Common Yarrow
Shasta daisy
Rhododendrons and Azaleas
Tulips and Daffodils
Arborvitae shrubs and trees
Many deciduous and evergreen trees
Blanket Flower
Day Lily
This list is definitely not exhaustive, as there are many more plants you can add to your garden this fall. Also, make sure, again, to check your hardiness zone against any new plant’s hardiness that you want to add to your garden.
If you aren’t sure where to start learning about garden care, go to our Start Here page at spokengarden.com/start-here .
And, if you have questions about these or other plants, we are here to help, so please email us.
Thanks for Listening!!!
That’s all for this podcast episode! You can find other beginning gardener topics on our podcast page by clicking here or go to SpokenGarden.com and click on the “Listen” tab. Also find us on your favorite podcast platform and smart speaker!
If you want to know more about growing plants and flowers, check out our new book The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the Know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods.
You can pre-order now so you get your copy on our release date of February 9th, 2021.
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