Learn about the importance of seed sowing depth when sowing seeds this winter on this quick DIY Garden Minute podcast.
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Winter Seed Sowing Tip: How Deep Should You Sow Your Seeds?
You already the importance of moisture in seed germination, if you listened to our last DIY episode, 182.
But, you might not know the important role of seed sowing depth for the best germination.
Since your whole goal when sowing seeds is to get them to germinate and be healthy plants, you need to know how deep to sow them.
Plus, you don’t want to waste the seed, your time, or your hard-earned money by sowing seeds the wrong way, so let’s go over how to do it.
The general rule is, the larger your seed the deeper or more soil covering it needs.
The reverse is true, too, where the smaller your seed the shallower it needs to be placed.
Some really small seeds barely need to be covered at all or can lay on top of the soil.
Since seed sizes are different between, say lettuce, onions, tomato, and even snap dragons, you need to sow each plants seeds according to what depth they actually need.
A general sowing depth applied to ALL seeds is going to result in some seeds germinating and others not at all.
That’s wasteful, so don’t do it.
Seeds and Their Correct Sowing Depths
Here are seed sowing depths for some popular plants:
Lettuce: cover an 1/8th of an inch
Onions: cover a ¼ of an inch
Tomato: cover a ¼ to ½ an inch
Dianthus: direct sown and can rest on top of soil
Snapdragons: 1/16th of an inch
Mustard: ½ an inch
Sweet Peas: ½ an inch
Sunflowers: ½ an inch
Black-eyed Susans: ¼ of an inch
Pansies: ½ an inch
Make sure to read each seed packet to get the correct planting depth.
You can also find most sowing directions for seeds on the seed company’s website, like Eden Brothers, if you can’t find it on the seed packet or it’s been ripped off when opening the packet.
We have partnered with Eden Brothers to be able to give you 15% off your next purchase when you enter the coupon code “SPOKEN” at checkout.
Get your high-quality seeds fast from Eden Brothers.com.
Make sure to follow each seeds sowing-instructions on their specific packet.
For specific seed sowing directions to start your own seeds during any time of year, pre-order our new book “The First-time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers” on Amazon with our new release date of April 6th.
What Seeds Can You Sow RIGHT NOW?
Thanks for Listening!!!
That’s all for this podcast episode! You can find other beginning gardener topics on our podcast page by clicking here or go to SpokenGarden.com and click on the “Listen” tab. Also find us on your favorite podcast platform and smart speaker!
You can pre-order now so you get your copy on our release date of April 6th, 2021.
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