Now that winter season is here, your plants are probably well into their dormancy cycles.How can you best protect them and help them receive nutrients over the winter so they are ready to burst with growth in the spring?Winter fertilizer is needed for this frozen rose as discussed in Spoken Garden's podcastIn “Winter Garden Fertilizing, Simplified,” you’ll hear a quick explanation of why you should fertilize now.Listen to our quick segment on this “DIY Garden Minute” to learn about simple steps you can take to prep your yard for spring. This episode is for beginning gardeners who want to learn how to maintain their yards through the winter months.

Winter Fertilizer

Fertilizing needs to be a part of your garden maintenance plan year round, but you should definitely fertilize for the Winter.Without fertilizer, how will your plants continue to grow their roots or receive nutrients over the winter?These plants need to stay healthy over the winter and remain ready to burst with growth in the spring.Here are some quick tips to help with fertilizing your plants for winter and links to products we use and recommend: Listen to this podcast to learn more about each of the three tips above!
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And hey—before you head out—if you want to connect with us and subscribe to our newsletter go to Spoken Garden’s free resource page! We have FREE garden content we are so excited to give to you, like cheat sheets, plant profile sheets, etc! See you there!

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A large tree trunk is shown with bright, blue crocus flowers at the base in Spoken Garden's "Winter Garden Fertilizing, Simplified" podcast.

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Today’s Topic:

Winterize Garden Fertilizing

Learn why now is a great time to fertilize your yard and how you can get it done.


Show NotesPruning Cheat Sheet at our Free Resources Page

What You’ll Learn:

  • A brief explanation of why fertilizing your yard for the winter season is beneficial.
  • Tips to help you fertilize properly.


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