Learn how to start a flower garden, or pollinator or herb garden, add more containers to your garden, to be more sustainable, or become more eco-friendly this year in your garden.
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Today’s Topic:
Power-up Your Garden Care in 2020!
In this podcast, learn how to begin your garden goal for the new year and create what you always wanted but didn’t know how to start.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to set your garden goal, organize, plan, build, and care for the garden you have always wanted.
- Links and videos for further resources or education.
Some of the resources and products below may be affiliate links, meaning we might get paid a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.
- Power-up Garden Care Challenge: 12-month Free Garden Coaching
- How to Plant Your Garden Bulbs (eBook)
- Create Your Best Garden This Year, in 12-Steps!
Your Garden Care Powered Up!
If you want to start a new garden but aren’t sure where to start, keep reading to read all the steps you need to take to start your new garden.
Maybe you have been wanting to start a flower garden, or pollinator or herb garden. Maybe you want to add more containers to your garden, but aren’t sure where to start. What if you want to be more sustainable or eco-friendly using native plants. Keep listening to hear how you can do this.
On this episode, we are going to tell you briefly about our Power-Up Garden Care Challenge to help you with
- getting you organized,
- guiding your through your garden’s design and building, and
- setting up simple garden care.
Yep, this is your “Start-to-Finish” how-to start your garden over an entire year, broken down into month-by-month steps for you.
Below, you’ll learn about our brand new Power-Up Garden Care Challenge in brief. Each step of the Challenge below corresponds to a hugely important part of your garden’s overall care.
To get started with improving and realizing your new garden care, you first need steps to guide and help you through a whole year of care that can derail any gardener at anytime during that year. Power-Up Garden Care will guide you through.
If you want to read more into each step, check out the links above in “Resources”.
Read through these 12-steps and then listen to the podcast to find out more.
1) Starting the New Year with Garden Care (January) 2) Garden Design Part 1: Setting Garden Goals, Priorities, and Taking Inventory (February) 3) Garden Design Part 2: Building Blocks of Your Garden (March) 4) Prep, Plant, and Put Into Practice (April) 5) You’ve Planted, Now What? (May) 6) Spring Container Gardening and Seasonal Colors (June) 7) Summer Garden Hacks to Save Time (and be worry free during vacations) (July) 8) Late Summer Plant Care (August) 9) Getting Ready for Fall Season (September) 10) How Bulbs Fit Into Your Routine and Fall Planting (October) 11) Winter is Coming, Now What? (November) 12) Reflecting on Your Garden Goal and This Past Year (December)
Thanks for Listening!!!
That’s all for this episode! You can find other great podcast topics on our podcast page at spokengarden.com/podcast or find us on your favorite podcast platform and Alexa!
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