Learn what quick and easy steps you can take to get your garden beds ready for planting this spring on this quick podcast.




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A rake and shovel together standing up on top of hay or straw bed.

Today’s Topic: 

How to Get Your Garden Beds Ready for Planting This Spring.

In this podcast, you’ll learn easy steps to get your ground and raised beds, along with containers ready to plant this spring.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Easy steps to follow to prepare your garden beds for new plants this spring.
  • Tools, supplies (like knee pads, shovel, or  a hand trowel), and materials to use in or add to your garden soil.
  • Resources and links for more information.


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Homemade Garden Containers from What You Already Have

Prepping your garden soil before planting is essential for your gardens’ and plants’ success starting this spring.

Whether it is a large bed area using a shovel or pitch fork, or in kneeling down to prepare containers, prepping your garden soil should be a regular spring task.

Here are some quick steps to get your garden beds and containers ready for planting this spring: 

  1. First clear away debris from the garden bed, including twigs, cones, and even old plants from last year.
  2. Next break up the soil by upheaving and mixing to break up compacted chunks.
  3. Now you can add any compost, lime, sand, clay-ish soil, or other soil additives. See below why you would add each one and how it helps your garden soil.
  4. Lastly, you can smooth and level out the soil to then be ready to plant this spring.

Now, if your garden soil is in need of some natural nutrients, better water retention, or needs better drainage, the list below can help you improve your garden soil by need.

If your soil needs:

  • Better drainage – Add more sand and/or organic matter, like compost, if low in organic matter.
  • Higher nutrition – Add compost, leaves, or other organic matter high in nutrients
  • Better water retention – Add clay or compost, if low in organic matter.

NOTE: if you need to add anything to your soil for better drainage or nutrient levels, or to lower or increase pH, be sure to add your material to the whole bed or container, as only adding it to individual planting holes can create other issues and doesn’t work, generally, for the longer term benefit of your plants or garden.

Besides having your soil ready for planting you should also be thinking of spreading new or replenishing old mulch, weeding, and starting your watering schedule.


Tools to Prep Garden Beds and Containers

Below are supplies to help get the job done:



And, if you have any questions on how to prepare your garden soil anytime of year, we are here to help, so please email us.



Thanks for Listening!!!

That’s all for this podcast episode! You can find other beginning gardener topics on our podcast page by clicking here or go to SpokenGarden.com and click on the “Listen” tab. Also find us on your favorite podcast platform and smart-speaker!

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Learn what quick and easy steps you can take to get your garden beds ready for planting this spring on this quick podcast.