Flowers, Plant Care, Plant Profiles

Calendula (Pot Marigold): A Gardener’s Guide and Plant Profile

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Learn about spring to summer blooming calendula (Pot Marigold) in this gardener’s guide of these beautiful flowers, including plant care, companion plants, and more.

Orange calendula flowers blooming

These beautiful flowers will bloom profusely if you deadhead them often.

Want a cheerful flower that will greet you each morning and give you blooms for almost three full seasons? It’s time to meet the Calendula flower.

Calendula blooms open up in the morning to greet each new day and then close up at night. Known for their medicinal properties, these plants look spectacular in mass groupings as well as along borders.

Also known as Pot Marigold or English Marigold, these plants prefer cooler weather and will present their blooms from spring to fall with regular deadheading.

In this calendula plant profile, you’ll learn about the unique characteristics of this plant as well as basic plant care and companion plants for your landscape.


Calendula Quick Plant Care Facts

Soil NeedsLikes rich, well-draining loamy soil. A mix of sand, silt, clay, and organic matter.
Water NeedsRegular watering while growing and flowering.
Excessive water or wetness can lead to rot.
Sun ExposureThrives in partial shade.
Cold-Hardiness ZonesSunset hardiness zones 2-9 and 14-23 for A. blanda; zones 1-4 for A. canadensis.
USDA hardiness zones 5-8 for A. blanda; A. canadensis is hard in zones 3-7.
Bloom Time Late spring to early summer.
Flower ColorsWhite, blue, pink, and purplish-red.
Mature Height/WidthGrows 10 inches to 24 inches tall and spreads by creeping stems out to 24+ inches.
Plant SpacingSpace each plant anywhere from 10 inches to 24 inches apart, depending how fast and dense you want plants to grow together.

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if you want more calendula plant care information than this!


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Orange calendula flowers blooming

Common Uses for Calendula

These beautiful plants can be designed into your landscape in several ways, including:

  • Grouped in mass plantings,
  • Along borders, or driveways
  • Used in rock gardens.

They also do well in containers as potted plants with long-lasting blooms from spring into midsummer in colder climates and then from late fall into spring in warmer, milder climates.

Also, they are great as cut flowers and last well past the 7-day industry standard.


Calendula Companion Plants

Calendula is mostly known as a companion plant to place around different vegetables and fruit plants, but what about other flower plants? Pretty hard to find, until now.

Consider pairing calendula with other plants, like herbs, for your culinary adventures. Maybe you are looking to contrast different colors of plants that flower the same time of year. You might need to show differences in plant size accent depth in your garden.

These and other reasons are why you have a good assortment of flower companion plants to choose from.

Companion plants to consider:

  • Salvia
  • Petunia
  • Gaillardia or Blanket Flower
  • Rosemary
  • Echinacea or Coneflower
  • Campanula
  • Borage
  • Thyme


Calendula Plant Care and Handling

Being a very hardy and low maintenance plant, calendula is a super easy plant to place in your garden.

You can find more of Calendula’s care needs, when it flowers, its uses, and more by becoming a Plant Profile Club member.







Calendula Flowers Conclusion 

Even though calendula can easily spread in your garden, it is a very low maintenance plant to have in your garden that keeps coming back year after year. And, there is all the uses of calendula plant in your food, lotions, and infusions.

Bring the beauty of calendula into your garden this year.

Now we want to hear from you!

What other questions do you have about pot marigolds that we didn’t answer above? Let us know by leaving a quick comment below. Thanks!



Want to learn about other plants in your garden? Check out some of our previous plant profiles:


See you in the garden!

~ Sean and Allison


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Learn about spring to summer blooming Calendula flowers in this gardener’s guide of these beautiful perennials, including plant care, companion plants, and more.



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HELLO AND WELCOME! We are Sean and Allison of Spoken Garden. With combined backgrounds in horticulture, gardening, landscape, and teaching, we hope to educate and inspire you.

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