Attract Monarch butterflies, as well as most other butterflies, with the Butterfly Milkweed plant. Learn quick facts about this plant and why you should consider planting any type of milkweed.
Attracting Monarch butterflies to your garden can be easy if you know how.
Essentially, you can learn to guide all types of butterflies, including Monarchs, to your garden with a roadmap of milkweed plants that will provide nectar and caterpillar host plants.
With these colorful perennials, you can add both color and beneficial food sources to your landscape.
In “Attract Monarch Butterflies with Butterfly Milkweed” – DIY Garden Minute Ep. 83 – learn how adding Butterfly Milkweed can attract Monarchs as well as other butterflies and pollinators.
This episode is meant for any gardener who wants to learn how to attract monarch butterflies (or other pollinators) to their garden.
Also included:
Because you want to attract more pollinators, we’ve created a pollinator garden shopping list that might be helpful for you!
In addition to Butterfly milkweed, there are many other beautiful milkweeds that all have similar characteristics. We’re affiliates for Eden Brothers and they have many milkweed seeds to offer which we highly recommend (Sorry to report that they are currently out of their popular Butterfly milkweed seeds and roots).
These specific Sunset Flower Milkweed seeds would be perfect for you! They are a native wildflower that are actually more colorful than Butterfly milkweed!
Plus, when you get to the Eden Brothers checkout, because we are affiliates (which means we receive a small commission at no cost to you which helps us run our website and podcast), use our special coupon code “SPOKEN” for an extra 15% off your order!!
Butterfly Milkweed Plant
Summer is almost here and that means pollinators, especially butterflies, pollinators are looking for nectar and possibly caterpillar host plants.
If you want to attract butterflies to your garden this year, make sure to add milkweed plants, especially Butterfly Milkweed, to your yard.
Butterfly Milkweed, also known as Asclepias tuberosa, are plants that have clusters of bright yellow, orange, and red flowers that seem to be a magnet for Butterflies.
Similar to Butterfly Milkweed is Swamp Milkweed and the Blood Flower Milkweed as they share several care requirements in common.
You can see in the photo below how bright and attractive Blood Flower Milkweed is!
Bloodflower / Sunset Flower Seeds, Bright …
Grow Heirloom Bloodflowers / Sunset Flowers – Plant Bloodflower / Sunset Flower Seeds … [More]
Butterfly Milkweed Quick Facts:
- They are perennials.
- Flower in the summer.
- They grow anywhere from 24-36 inches high.
- They prefer full sun.
- Can be directly-sown
- Grow in USDA Hardiness zones 4-10 and in Sunset zones 1 – 24.
- You can buy these either as seeds or the roots ready to plant.
How to Attract Monarch Butterflies
Plant Butterfly Milkweed and they could grace your garden with their presence this Spring and Summer.
This depends on where you live along their migratory path, of course.
For more information, check out this US Forest Service article.
Butterfly Milkweed Videos
Check out this video from Eden Brothers about their Milkweed seeds.
Milkweed Plants For Sale
Are you ready to grow your own milkweed?
All of these milkweed plants attract butterflies, are low maintenance, and will look beautiful in your garden.
Plus, they are all summer-bloomers!!
Swamp Milkweed Seeds – Carmine, Fragrant/P…
Grow Butterfly Weed Seeds – Plant Swamp Milkweed Carmine Named Butterfly Weed for … [More]
Swamp Milkweed – White, Fragrant/Bright Wh…
Grow Butterfly Weed Seeds – Plant Swamp Milkweed White Crisp, white blooms atop lush… [More]
Bloodflower / Sunset Flower Seeds, Bright …
Grow Heirloom Bloodflowers / Sunset Flowers – Plant Bloodflower / Sunset Flower Seeds … [More]
Plus, when you get to the Eden Brothers checkout, because we are affiliates (which means we receive a small commission at no cost to you which helps us run our website and podcast), use our special coupon code “SPOKEN” for an extra 15% off your order!!
First, enter SPOKEN into their coupon code box (just like the first photo). You will know you received the coupon if you see the “coupon applied” notice (see the second photo).
Or, if you need to shop for other garden plants for this spring and summer, click the link below.
Click here for the most up to date deals and plants on Amazon!
Butterfly Milkweed Conclusion
We’ve presented a quick overview of the Butterfly milkweed plant so you can consider growing it, or another milkweed, in your own garden.
Whether you want to attract Monarchs or any type of butterfly, feel good knowing you provided one of their favorite host plants.
Now we want to hear from you!
What type of milkweed do you prefer? Have you ever grown Butterfly weed before?
Let us know by leaving a quick comment below. Thanks!
That’s all for this DIY garden minute episode!
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Butterfly Milkweed Plant References:
- “Butterfly Milkweed” – US Forest Service
- “Butterfly Milkweed” – USDA
- “21 Best Plants for Pollinators” – Sunset Magazine
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Learn quick plant facts about the Butterfly Milkweed so you can attract Monarch butterflies, as well as most other butterflies to your garden.
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Today’s Topic:
Attracting Monarch with Butterfly Milkweed
Learn about one specific plant that is a favorite host plant for the Monarch butterfly caterpillars.
Free Pollinator Garden Shopping List
What You’ll Learn:
- Quick facts about our featured plant.
- Links to buy your own milkweed plant
- Videos for further resources and education.
Some of the resources and products below may be affiliate links, meaning we might get paid a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.
- Attract Butterflies with Liatris Spicata – DIY Garden Minute Ep. 84
- Butterfly Milkweed: A Gardener’s Guide and Plant Profile
- How to Design and Build Your Own Pollinator Garden- Ep. 20
- Top 5 Best Pollinators You Should Attract to Your Garden
- How to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden Like a Boss!
- Garden Pollinators and Their Favorite Flowers – Ep. 14
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